Construction Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Due to a variety of reasons, construction issues can escalate to the point of impasse between the contracting parties. Our extensive construction background and resources provide the ideal profile to lead or assist in the construction dispute resolution process. We have been retained by contractors, private owners and attorneys to perform various Construction Dispute Resolution Services. Our diverse client base is a testament to our fair, reasonable and equitable review and analysis of all issues. We have successfully prepared detailed construction defect reports, established damage and repair valuations, along with negotiating and facilitating settlements through our various roles as mediators, negotiating fair and reasonable settlements. Any dispute can be intimidating to the untested and daunting to even those who have experienced them. Yet no matter the settlement method that is used, the parties own the process and the result. It is therefore incumbent upon the parties to not only understand the various options dispute resolution provides, but they must also be prepared to manage the selected process to conclusion. NL Tavaglione Consulting has participated in structured and non-structured negotiations, both in and out of court with fair, conclusive outcomes for both parties.


Take Care of a Construction Dispute as Soon as Possible.  
Delays cost money on any project. In addition, a construction dispute in one area of a project can escalate and affect other areas. A construction dispute can also result in a mechanic's lien against the owner's property. The sooner you can begin to negotiate and sort through the facts, the sooner the problem can be resolved without litigation.



We emphasize six Value Standards. They are:

1.  Understand our client’s objectives and expectations.

2.  Provide substantive expertise that meets the client’s needs.

3.  Bring efficiency and effective process management to our work.

4.  Communicate from the perspective of a business partner, not a vendor.

5.  Budget and manage our work in a way that makes the client’s fees predictable.

6.  Execute with the first aim of delivering the results our client desires.


Providing An Inland Empire Presence

Dispute Resolution         Client Mediation           Consulting Services

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Comprehensive Services Provided


Knowledge in all aspects of building construction methods and materials 


Extensive experience with litigation support

Providing repair recommendations and contractors qualified to conduct those repairs


Immediate, in-house response, timely reports generated internally for fast, cost-effective reports


Provides clients with a “one stop”, all inclusive source for residential, commercial or industrial consulting needs


• Construction Industry Consulting Services

• Construction Defect Investigation & Analysis


• Forensic Consulting Services

• Building Code Research and Analysis


• Expert Witness Testimony

• Materials Failure Analysis & Investigation


• Construction Claims and Litigation Support

• Moisture Intrusion & Building Envelope Issues


• Negotiation/Mediation Facilitation

• Property Damage Assessment

“If you are looking for someone with experience, integrity, and honesty, then Nick Tavaglione is

your best choice.”


See more testamonials like these, some of our accomplishments, and our recent projects at: